HAMER 2025
Saturday May 10 2025, 9am – 6pm
Room 66-110, MIT Campus

Co-organized by a committee of students from Boston-area academic institutions, HAMER, Hellenic-American Meeting of Early-Career Researchers, was conceived and organized by the Circle of Hellenic Academics in Boston, and it is also supported by the Hellenic Institute of Advanced Studies.

Please find all details in the link below:


New Circle President and Board

In the summer of 2022, the Circle General Assembly elected Professor Gregory  Stephanopoulos of MIT as the new Circle President. Greg was one of the four incorporators in the Circle in late 2013. Also, two prominent academics joined the board as directors. They are Professors Iacovos Vasalos and Spyros Agathos, signaling our desire also to recruit members from outside the Boston metropolitan area.

Fundraising and the Circle’s new Executive Director

A fundraising drive raised $20,000, which will be used to hire for the next two years an executive director.  Ms. Athina Kourbeti has been successfully recruited for this position.  Her main mission is to help the board successfully complete the different tasks they will initiate in the coming years.